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Canada Research Chair
in Adaptive Systems in Health and Social Services

L'objectif général de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en système adaptatif en santé et services sociaux (CRC Sa3S) est de contribuer à la création de connaissances et d'interventions innovantes dans les services de proximité, les organisations de santé et les instances de gouvernance multiniveaux. Transformer les organisations de santé et les services de proximité est une stratégie clé pour améliorer la performance et l'équité du système de santé. Menés en étroite collaboration avec les citoyen·nes, les usager·es, les clinicien·nes et les décideur·es, les objectifs spécifiques de la CRC Sa3S sont de :​​

  1. Consolidate research on adaptive systems in health and social services in Quebec;

  2. Produce knowledge to support transformations and innovations in adaptive systems in health and social services, particularly in local services;

  3. Develop and compare local initiatives and governance innovations in health and social services in Quebec, Canada and internationally;

  4. Promote the emergence and recruitment of young researchers in the field of complex adaptive systems in health and social services;

  5. Support organizations, stakeholders, managers and users in the transformation and learning of complex adaptive systems in health and social services, particularly on the front line and in the community.

The originality of the Chair's programming lies in the multilevel integration (from practice to governance) of a systemic and adaptive approach with improvement strategies that promote sustainable changes in health and social services. To enable improvements in multilevel governance processes, the research projects in this program will analyze the key characteristics of successful models and innovations in health organizations and   community services. A key feature of the complex adaptive systems approach is that research is integrated into improvement strategies to support effective and equitable change in local contexts, respecting the needs of different stakeholders, including the most vulnerable. Finally, community-engaged research enables knowledge creation to be put into action, in an adaptive and feedback manner, to meet the changing needs of populations.

This Research Chair (level 2) is funded by the Canada Research Chairs Program (2023-2028). It is under the responsibility of Lara Maillet, professor, ENAP.

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